Discographie - WWF The Music Vol. 2


Discographie - WWF The Music Vol. 2


1. The Undertaker - "Dark Side" (3.53) 
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin - "Hell Frozen Over" (2.56) 
3. Ahmed Johnson - "Pearl River Rip" (3.12) 
4. Marc Mero & Sable - "Wild Cat" (3.51) 
5. Bret Hart - "You Start the Fire" (3.10) 
6. Vader - "Mastodon" (3.10) 
7. Mankind - "Ode to Freud" (3.03) 
8. Dude Love - "Dude Love" (3.07) 
9. Faarooq - "Nation of Domination" (3.02) 
10. Rocky Maivia - "Destiny" (3.06) 
11. Sycho Sid - "Snap" (3.20) 
12. Ken Shamrock - "Dangerous" (3.17) 
13. Flash Funk - "Can't Get Enough" (3.26) 
14. Sunny - "I Know You Want Me" (3.27) 
15. Shawn Michaels - "Sexy Boy" (3.02) 


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