[Wwe-Fr's Staff] Undertaker51

Mon "Top Five" actif
1. Undertaker
2. Randy Orton
3. Triple H
4. Edge
5. Kurt Angle
2. Randy Orton
3. Triple H
4. Edge
5. Kurt Angle
Ma vidéo préférée
Promo Taker/Kane WM 20
Promo Taker/Kane WM 20
Mon "Top Five" inactif
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Chris Benoit
3. The Rock
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin
5. Eddie Guerrero
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Chris Benoit
3. The Rock
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin
5. Eddie Guerrero
Rest in Peace...
You can't hide...From the Deadman
I don't talk about taking souls... I just do it
This is my yard
Rest in Peace...
You can't hide...From the Deadman
I don't talk about taking souls... I just do it
This is my yard
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